During my 40 year career as a law enforcement officer, I have worked for six Sheriffs. Some were elected and some were appointed. All but two had an extensive background and career in law enforcement. My definition of law enforcement are the men and women who respond to calls for help, investigate crime, and understand what it takes to make a community safe. They have sacrificed a lot in all kinds of weather, dangerous and horrific scenes. I know you would agree that is also your belief of what it takes to be a Sheriff. The BEST and successful Sheriffs I worked with had this background. They understood the challenges, and how to deliver services to the community.

As Election Day approaches you have two choices for Sheriff.

One has had a successful career in a large metropolitan police agency. Worked their way up the ranks from Officer to Captain. Has a strong and expansive knowledge of law enforcement.

Your second choice has never worked as a law enforcement deputy. Their career has been focused in the jail. I am not being insulting, it is an important job. But absolutely not the career path that would prepare someone to lead one of the largest Sheriff’s Departments in the state.

There are a few other reasons that I considered when making my decision on who to support in the race. However this biggest reason for me is EXPERIENCE. That is why I will be supporting Keith Swank in his bid to be the next Pierce County Sheriff.

I do not make this endorsement lightly. I hope that you will see the reasons for yourself and join me supporting Keith.

Thank you - Cyndie