
I endorse Cyndie Fajardo for the position of Pierce County Sheriff.

Cyndie is a proven leader with far more experience and knowledge regarding all aspects of law enforcement than any of the other candidates. With over 40 years of experience in multiple different aspects of the sheriff’s department she fully understands the multitude of tasks and duties that the Sheriff is responsible for.

Cyndie is the only candidate who has vast experience in managing large complex operations as a member of the FEMA National Urban Search and Rescue system.  She has responded to assist communities suffering disasters from terror attacks to hurricanes.  She responded to the 911 terror attacks in New York.

She was instrumental in carrying out the search and recovery plan after the massive land slide in 2014 in Oso Washington as the Task Force Leader of the Washington State Urban Search and Rescue task force.  Due in large part to her leadership, knowledge, and skills, all 43 victims of that disaster were eventually recovered.

Cyndie understands how to establish command, lead and organize a large complex organization to accomplish what to some seem like insurmountable problems.  She has been selected from a national pool of  highly qualified candidates to serve on one of three FEMA US&R Incident Support Teams as a US&R specialist and Liaison officer during times of disaster. She has responded to numerous declared disasters in that role and performed admirably.

Cyndie has worked closely with the Department of Emergency Management during times of crisis in Pierce County, including floods, inclement weather, major transportation accidents, and she planned and carried out the distribution of Covid Vaccines in the county during the pandemic of 2019 and 2020.

Cyndie understands the needs of her deputies and those who must perform the difficult job of enforcing our laws and maintaining civil order in very difficult and trying times.  She is the perfect fit for the job at this critical time in our country.

I have watched her over the years develop into a strong and confident leader and proudly stand behind her and strongly recommend that you vote for her as your next elected Sheriff of Pierce County.

Major Thomas Miner

Pierce County Sheriff's Dept - Retired, FEMA US&R Incident Support Team Leader - Retired